From successful organizing drives to historic collective bargaining agreements, the labor movement’s recent surge of energy is unlike anything we have seen in decades. Yet the latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed union density continuing to decrease in 2023, dropping to just 6.0% in the private sector.
What does this say about the state of the labor movement in 2024? Does labor law simply present too many hurdles for unions to reverse this trend? In this lunchtime conversation, CLJE Fellow Mark Erlich will discuss the significance of this moment, in the context of this critical election year, and what it will take for labor to turn the tide on decades of decline. Afterwards, Professors Sharon Block and Benjamin Sachs will join a panel discussion with Mark.
This event is part of Labor Spring 2024, a diverse, nationwide movement unifying workers, educators, environmentalists, activists, elected leaders, community members, and more in a multi-racial effort to demand justice on the job, racial equity, and maintain the public good. Many Labor Spring events link the campus to the community and spotlight organizing in the South. Labor Spring events include teach-ins, speeches, conferences, social events, demonstrations, rallies and more. For more information, or to sign up to host an event in your community, visit