Join the Center for Labor and a Just Economy at Harvard Law School for an evening discussion with Lina Khan, Chair of the Federal Trade Commission, on how efforts to promote healthy market competition and a vibrant economy can empower working people. The event will be held from 5:00 – 6:15PM in Milstein West AB in Wasserstein Hall at Harvard Law School.
“Robust antitrust enforcement can help ensure that workers have the freedom to seek higher pay and better working conditions, and can help to promote economic opportunity and widespread prosperity for all.”
– Chair Lina Khan, December 6, 2021, Remarks at Joint Workshop of the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice, “Making Competition Work: Promoting Competition in Labor Markets”
For decades, the impact of consolidated corporate power and anti-competitive business practices on labor markets and the broader economy has adversely affected workers’ wages, benefits, and working conditions – and their capacity to organize and bargain collectively for a better life. Under the leadership of Chair Khan, the FTC has pursued a robust antitrust agenda focused on challenging monopoly power and unfair competition. The agency’s priorities have also included bolstering collaborative interagency efforts to address issues that harm working people and their families. In exploring the ways in which antitrust can empower workers and strengthen the labor movement, this conversation will bring the antitrust and labor policy arenas into alignment around the steps we can take towards realizing a vision of an economy that works for all.
Introductory remarks will be delivered by Benjamin Sachs, Kestnbaum Professor of Labor and Industry, and the conversation and Q&A will be facilitated by Sharon Block, Professor of Practice and Executive Director of CLJE. A reception will follow.